Now On Kickstarter:

Have you ever tried trimming your nose hairs with scissors and realized that not only does it take long but it’s also dangerous?  The team over at Techspirit Australia has designed the perfect product for those who want to trim their nose hairs quick and efficiently! Designed for men and women, the ergonomic, grippy handle fits seamlessly in the hand. The end of the nasal razor is the perfect size to suit your nose, and the double blades allow for a clean shave, in any direction.

There’s no need to worry about using the nasal razor, as the safety mesh on the blades will safeguard against any cuts. When wet, the moisturising strip will reduce any irritation from shaving the nasal hairs. In less than 2 minutes you will have completely and cleanly removed all unsightly nose hairs!  Don’t fear the nose hair!  Instead purchase the cleanOZE nasal razor so that a hairy nose will be the least of your worries!

Pre – Order | $8